
Explore the rich tapestry of human cultures from around the world. Our Culture vertical is a window into the traditions, art, heritage, and stories that define our diverse global society. Immerse yourself in the wonders of cultural expression and understanding, celebrating the unique and universal aspects of humanity.

Degrees and Dowries

Education can have negative consequences. The popular narrative of societal development portrays education as an ever-present symbol of positive change, which provides the groundwork for transformation and enlightenment. The prevalent notion holds the fact that education empowers individuals to challenge…

Do gay people ever wish they were straight?

In a world where, from birth, we have defined the reveal of gender through colors like pink or blue to distinguish the element of surprise that defies the expectations of those who are expecting. But what about the colors that emerge afterward? After the realization that they do not fit into the categories set by the generalization of pink or blue.